Module 3 - POLLUTION
70. Radio active/nuclear pollution
Radio active pollution occurs when there is presence of radio active materials in the atmosphere. The radio active materials like Uranium, thorium etc. emit hazardous ionizing radiations of beta or alpha particles, gamma rays or neuron into the environment.
71. Causes of radio active pollution
1. Nuclear accidents from nuclear power plants. Examples -
Chernobyl, Fukushima, Thee mile Iceland
2. Use of nuclear weapons for mass destruction as in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
3. Use of radio isotopes for detectors and other industrial activities. Radio isotopes are used in smoke detectors, watches, clocks, non stick cookware, cosmetics, sterilization etc.
4. Mining radio active mineral ores like radium and uranium cause pollution.
5. Tests using radiation therapy like X-ray.
72. Effects of radio active pollution
1. Genetic mutation
2. Diseases like Cancer, Leukaemia, aging, premature death, cardio vascular complications etc.
3. Cells destruction
4. Reduce soil fertility
5. Burns leading to skin cancer
73. Control measures- nuclear pollution
1. Radio active materials should not be disposed in the same way as other materials. It should be stored in heavy and thick concrete container. Another option is to dilute the radiation.
2. Labelling: It is necessary for any material with radio active contents to be labelled and the necessary precaution advised on the content of the label.
3. Banning of nuclear tests.
4. Use other alternate energy resources like solar, wind, tide, hydel energy for energy production.
5. Recycle and reuse the radio active materials like fuel in another reactor.
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