Sunday, 22 September 2024

Mineral Resources

Module 1- Resources

Chapter 4-Mineral resources

14. Minerals

Some of the various mineral resources available on earth crest are listed below:
-  Iron. Aluminium, Zinc, Copper etc. are some of the important metallic minerals for industrial use.
-  Ornamental Gems such as Diamond, Emerald, Ruby, Silver, Gold and Platinum.
-  Coal, Salt, Silica, Clay, Cement etc. are important non metallic mineral resources.

15. Different types of minerals

A mineral is a naturally occurring chemical element or compound available in the earth crust. More than 3000 mineral species are known. Some of the important minerals are:

Iron ore

It is a strong and stable metallic mineral used for making iron and steel. It is a cyclic mineral which can be used again and again after due processes


It is one of the important mineral used in making iron and steel. It is also used for manufacturing of bleaching powder, insecticides, paints, batteries and china clay


It is used as insulators in electrical and electronic industry. It can withstand high voltage and has low power loss factor


It is the raw material for making aluminium


Copper is a good conductor of electricity and is widely used in electrical goods as wires, terminals etc.

Other metallic minerals are gold, tin, tungsten, titanium, zinc etc.

Non-metallic minerals

Sand, brick clays, lime stone, granite, marble, asbestos, salt, sulphur etc.

Fuel minerals

Coal. Lignite. Oil and gas, uranium etc.

16. Impacts of mining

The minerals are extracted from the earth through the process of mining. As minerals are non-renewable resources, over exploitation will lead to its depletion within short period of years. Geologists are in general apprehension that the known reserve of most of the minerals will be exhausted within 100-200 years.

Effects of mining

Mining has serious impacts on human health and environment

Impacts on environment

Underground mining produces huge amount of waste earth and rock which will become toxic when come in contact with water and air

It causes land subsidence as mine collapses

It lowers the water table, change the flow of ground water and stream

Coal mining produces greenhouse gas emission. The coal mine methane is 20 times more powerful than carbon dioxide

Coal fire can burn decades and releases fly ash, smoke and toxic chemicals

there is an increased risk of chemical contamination of the ground water when the minerals sweep into the water table

Impacts on human health

Coal dust inhalation causes black lung disease among minors and those who live nearby

Mine accidents kill thousands of people every year

Silicosis, asbestosis, siderosis, fluorosis, bronchitis, birth defects etc. are some of the diseases caused by the chemicals entered into the environment from mining sites.

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